(Or the transformation of the quotidian object)

“According the theory of Agnosticism, man, doesn’t have the ability to know the laws, the cause and the true nature of objective reality. He doesn’t have access to the external reality in an objective way, but only through his cognitive and psychological structures. In that sense, he perceives and participates in the construction and not on the objective approach of reality.”
So, from the moment that man started to observe his surroundings, trying to interpret the world, (mainly by painting) he begun -in a way- to reform it. He started to give the world a new dimension according to his perception (or, as we can say “point of view”), to give substance to its image through his own prism.
At the same time, and starting to form the first social structures, leading to establishing groups, -in the beginning in the form of family, later in the form of states and nations- thus, he marked his territory and appropriated the land that was surrounding him, in an attempt to safeguard his space, by transforming his environment (natural habitat) according to his needs.
This action alone is an act of “borrowing”. It is the same mental, completive and self-acting procedure that even the most contemporary artists follow, when they have to deal and negotiate with the natural world, which stands opposite them. Not only that, but they borrow from the visual world, elements, forms, textures, sensations, shapes, impressions, in order to re-create from scratch a new world, entirely their own, with its own structures, rules and morphology.
Based on this theory, ten young and fresh visual artists, are manage ready-made objects of everyday life, transforming them into visual speech, in order to narrate in this way their own stories. They approach the subject each by his/her own expressive means, and they negotiate the ways, in which an object or a space becomes yours, or better, comes to your possession.   

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